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acupuncture albany, acupuncture albany WA, acupuncture in albany, acupuncture South West, Acupuncturist Albany, Chinese Medicine Albany WA, Chinese Medicine South West, WA
Let yourself be silently drawn by the pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. Rumi
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Common sensations felt with needle stimulation are tingling, mild pressure (locally or distally) and generally very comfortable. Acupuncture needles are fine, typically the width of a strand of hair or even smaller unlike injection needles which are thicker, hollow and have cutting edges. ​
Acupuncturists use single use sterile disposable needles. National registration for the Traditional Chinese Medicine profession was introduced from 1 July 2012 to ensure the safety and protection of the public by regulating practice and ensuring the highest standards of education.
AHPRA, AACMA & Hicaps Registered Practitioner.
Pathway to Wellbeing
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